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Privacy Policy

Protecting the confidentiality of our website visitors’ personal details is our top priority. We implement robust measures to block unauthorized access to their information. We aim to foster reliable connections with our clientele and meet the privacy expectations regulated by law.

Our site, Hemostatic Forceps, has a privacy policy that protects any personal information shared or gathered. Under no circumstances do we disclose, exchange, keep, or market sensitive data or proprietary ideas for surgical instruments to external entities.

Data Collection and Usage

We are committed to handling our site visitors’ private data seriously, securing it on highly safeguarded servers empowered by advanced technology.

Details regarding purchases are confidential and not disclosed to any third party. We use this information exclusively to communicate directly with you, including newsletter news, updates on sales, promotional offers, and other pertinent communications.

For the protection of your credit card details, transactions are processed through manual verification of authenticity, comparing your name, billing address, and CVV number with the issuing bank’s records.


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